Wednesday, May 2, 2012



1 lb lasagna
1 lb ricotta
1 pint milk
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 tbl parsley, finely chopped
¼ tsp cinnamon
½ lb mozzarella cheese
1 lb ground beef
3 c tomato sauce
Grated parmesan cheese


Cook lasagna in large quantity of rapidly boiling salted water to al dente stage. Drain and set aside, handling strips carefully to keep them whole.
Cream ricotta with milk (if ricotta is very liquid, less milk should be used.) Add beaten eggs, parsley, salt, and cinnamon. Dice mozzarella cheese into ½ in cubes, and add to ricotta mixture.

Sauté ground beef in oil until browned, and add 2-3 tablespoons of tomato sauce to it to moisten it.

Oil a rectangular baking dish and spoon some of the ricotta mixture over the bottom of dish. Star with a layer of lasagna, cover with ricotta mixture and ground meat. And sprinkle with grated cheese.
Continue with layers of lasagna and filling ending with lasagna strips.
Cover the baking dish with waxed paper cut to fit, oiled on the outside, and bake in 350 oven for 1 hour.
To serve, cut into individual portions and put a serving of tomato sauce, to the taste of the individual, over each portion. Fill a gravy boat with the remaining sauce, and pass as desired.

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